Dear Friend, thank you so much for travelling with us on our journey. 

Having survived the difficulties of Covid-19 in 2020, Myanmar has been plunged into even more difficult and uncertain times. On February 1st 2021, the military took over the government, and Myanmar continues to be in economic and political turmoil.

Throughout 2022, with generous assistance from our many 'Shareholders', we were able to re-tool and re-start production, using different ways of both meeting together, and adapted techniques.


However, in 2023, our vision is to continue to diversify - particularly to extend the work of PNE to include group members from other parts of the country.

The combination of Covid together with coup-related economic downturn and widespread violence has not only made life more difficult for people with disabilities, but has led to an increase in the number of people with disabilities, through injury and lack of access to medical care. And this has resulted in amputations, premature births and preventable illnesses. 

Our vision in 2023 is to lay some of the groundwork for new groups of artisans, especially those in conflict-affected areas who have even less opportunity for meaningful work. This will not be easy, and will require a big investment of time, energy and funds. This is why we are continuing our Shareholder scheme-specifically to enable us to extend the opportunities of Pann Nann Ein to new groups. 


How Can I Help...? By becoming a Pann Nann Ein Shareholder!

In a normal business, being a shareholder means investing in a company, with the prospect of a financial return. In our case, the meaning is slightly different: we are asking you to SHARE our vision to continue providing sustainable work for people with disabilities, and HOLD us all in your thoughts and prayers.

By purchasing “shares”, you'll enable us to have sufficient income to maintain the group through the current period of uncertainty.  And by doing so you'll help us keep alive the vision of sustainable, dignified work for people with disabilities.



Shareholder Benefits

We’ll keep you updated on how things are going with a quarterly newsletter, as well as information on new products.

How It Works

  1. Please email our support team at to indicate how many shares you want to purchase (the more the better!).

  2. Make a payment. Payments can be made in a range of currencies and can use either our Lloyds Bank account, Revolut or PayPal - please see details below.


Payment Details

Payments should be designated PNE SHARES

Lloyds Bank

Account Name Pann Nann Ein Ltd
Bank Lloyds Bank
Account Number 71476163
Sort Code 30-98-97
IBAN GB38LOYD30989771476163






Thank you so much for your support, and do please take a look at our online shop for all our latest products and collections.